Photo of Thomas G. Hancuch

Thomas G. Hancuch is a Shareholder at Vedder Price, representing employers in all aspects of employee benefits, labor and employment law.

Thomas G. Hancuch is a Shareholder at Vedder Price, representing employers in all aspects of employee benefits, labor and employment law. His practice focuses on employee benefit plan design and administration, including ERISA, Internal Revenue Code, and Affordable Care Act compliance; benefit claims and litigation; employee relations and benefits aspects of mergers, acquisitions, workforce reductions and outsourcing; severance and exit incentive programs and agreements; remote and hybrid work arrangements; leaves of absence and accommodation of employees with disabilities; employment discrimination, harassment and retaliation claims; employee leasing and worker classification; executive compensation; wage and hour laws; employee discipline and discharge; and other human resources matters.

On January 14, 2025, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) issued an opinion letter (FMLA2025-01-A) clarifying when an employer may count an employee’s leave taken under a state paid family leave program against that employee’s leave entitlement under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).Continue Reading DOL Clarifies that Leave Taken Under State Paid Family Leave Programs May Run Concurrently with FMLA Leave