On November 22, 2024, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC” or “Commission”) announced its enforcement results for the fiscal year (“FY”) 2024. Though the SEC filed only 583 total enforcement actions in FY 2024—a decline of 26% from the 784 enforcement actions filed in FY 2023—the Commission obtained a record-setting $8.2 billion in financial remedies, which includes civil penalties and disgorgement amounts combined. Notably, 56% of the $8.2 billion in financial remedies was the result of a monetary judgment awarded in a single matter. Continue Reading SEC Enforcement Highlights for Fiscal Year 2024

Eric Hyla
SEC Enforcement Highlights for Fiscal Year 2024

On November 22, 2024, the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC” or “Commission”) announced its enforcement results for the fiscal year (“FY”) 2024. Though the SEC filed only 583 total enforcement actions in FY 2024—a decline of 26% from the 784 enforcement actions filed in FY 2023—the Commission obtained a record-setting $8.2 billion in financial remedies, which includes civil penalties and disgorgement amounts combined. Notably, 56% of the $8.2 billion in financial remedies was the result of a monetary judgment awarded in a single matter.Continue Reading SEC Enforcement Highlights for Fiscal Year 2024
Highlights from SEC Speaks 2024

Chair/Commissioner Remarks and Litigation and Enforcement Trends
The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”) held its annual SEC Speaks conference—after a hiatus in 2023—on April 3 and 4, 2024 in Washington, D.C. The conference featured remarks from Chair Gary Gensler, Commissioner Hester Peirce, Commissioner Mark T. Uyeda, and Director of the Division of Enforcement (the “Division”) Gurbir S. Grewal, as well as panel discussions addressing current SEC initiatives, priorities, and enforcement trends for the upcoming year. The conference speakers and panels also provided an update on litigation, judicial, and legislative developments.Continue Reading Highlights from SEC Speaks 2024
DOJ and FTC Propose Draft Revised Merger Guidelines

On July 19, 2023, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and Department of Justice (DOJ) released for comment proposed joint merger guidelines which seek to replace the agencies’ vertical merger guidelines released in 2020 and horizontal merger guidelines released in 2010. The proposals introduce significant changes to both the ways in which the agencies define markets and competition, and the evidence and metrics they would use to assess a merger’s competitive effects.
Among the more significant proposed changes are the following:
They would materially change how relevant geographic and product markets are defined, and when to consider those markets “highly concentrated.”
Market definition: The proposals would significantly change how product and geographic markets within which competitive effects of a merger would be defined. Under current law, to define the boundaries of relevant product and geographic markets, the agencies apply the “hypothetical monopolist test,” in which firms or products that would prevent the merged firm from increasing price by a small but significant and non-transitory amount are considered to be within the “relevant market.” The agencies propose to include in this calculus not only price but other “terms” such as “quality, service, capacity investment, choice of product variety or features, or innovative effort,” raising the possibility that the agencies may exclude from the market rivals who could discipline overt attempts to increase price but not more opaque reductions in service, quality, or R&D efforts, to which consumers may be much less sensitive.
Market concentration: The current guidelines recognize that the anticompetitive effects of a merger generally increase in more concentrated markets in which fewer significant firms compete. The proposed guidelines would lower the standard for a “highly concentrated market” (a trigger for a presumption of a merger’s illegality) to a level that the current guidelines consider to be only a “moderately concentrated market.” In addition, the proposals would introduce a market share-based test as a trigger for raising an “impermissible threat of undue concentration,” when the merged firm’s market share will exceed 30 percent and concentration would increase modestly.Continue Reading DOJ and FTC Propose Draft Revised Merger Guidelines